On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 17:57, Jan Ciger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> MEISCH,CORY (HP-Vancouver,ex1) wrote:
> | Corporate branded distros? What if a company like HP wanted to "brand" the
> | MDK distro for distribution on their hardware. Is there a financial
> | opportunity there to charge?
> |
> | Cory
> |
> If HP want's to brand the distro, they can already. The source is over
> there. Mandrake, RedHat and others do it with their code, so HP can

Sure. But why bother spending the time to get in house people to learn
how to do it? I think Cory's idea's a good one - ask big corporate
clients if they'd like Mandrakesoft to do the work of creating a
customised version of the distro for them, for a relatively small fee -
make it cheaper than doing it in-house would be.

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