On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 00:59, Kye Lewis wrote:
> > Well, I think if you're reassured by the page you're taking something of
> > a short term view. What the case is for 9.2 isn't massively important to
> > me, I want to see Mandrakesoft place some kind of definite boundaries on
> > the strategy to cover *all* future releases; a definitive "here are the
> > things we will NEVER do" statement, not just a "here are the things we
> > haven't done yet" statement.
> I agree, long term assurance would be great - but just remember, even if
> they
> do make a definitive "here are the things we will NEVER do" list, it doesn't
> really mean they'll never do it - I wouldn't take anything that they do
> publish
> of that nature for granted.

No, but it would at least act as a disincentive by being a hostage to
fortune; if they broke it, the reaction would be all the greater because
there would be something concrete to point to and say "look, you said
this and you lied". This would make it at least *harder* for them to
cross the line.

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