> It's exactly the same mechanism.
> Put a few different pngs in /Mandrake/share/advertising/ and voila,
> you've branded the installer.
> Put a few different pngs in /usr/share/mdk/xscreensaver/ and voila,
> you've branded the screensaver.
> All Mandrake is doing is allowing people/companies to participate in the
> default branding of the distribution.

This being the case, would it not be simply a matter of installing a
different RPM to get rid of it all?
I have no problem with the installer ads, i'll survive through those... and
the bookmarks are pushing it...

The website does say:

"0) There won't be any ad in the screensavers in Mandrake 9.2
There will be one paid-ad in the installation procedure, and a few
paid-links in bookmarks. "
I think I can probably get past that

Kye Lewis

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