On Sunday 19 October 2003 09:23 am, Götz Waschk wrote:
> Who's more important, the stupid windows convert, or the developer? If
> you remove emacs from the CD, you'll scare of the developers. No
> developers means no new software. BTW it's not emacs that is growing
> and growing and taking away the CD space but the new generations of
> GUI software, especially KDE.

it does not matter if it is growing it was to big to begin with. And it is 
growing there are now special packages for tex, and who knows what else that 
are added to add extra features to emacs.

The Idea is not weather or not to include them but were to include them. Who 
are they trying to market with the free download edition. Developers I sure 
hope not as allot of the devel libs and things that are needed are not really 
in there. To get a good devel box going you may need libs out of contribs 
along with the devel counterparts and many other things. It gets even worse 
if you develop for gnome as a fair amount of gnome libs are in contribs. Hm 
so if the free version is not geared to developers per say who is it marketed 
to? It should be first priority to find the target market and target them. 

As for the powerpack edition who is the target market for that? Is it 
something allot of developers may pick up? YES. Is it something that includes 
sources if they need it? YES. Are we seeing a pattern yet? So since it seems 
like a good fit for the powerpack and not the download edition. There is some 
space that could be saved in the download edition to the tune of about 60 
megs at the least. I'm not sure how many emacs related rpm's are included but 
the main one is at least 35 megs or so and there are a ton of related ones 
that are included. Well not a ton but a fair amount. I'm guessing at about 60 
megs worth. That would be more than enough space to include whatever else 
they needed to go into the download edition. 

And let us not forget anybody could simply download the latest tree from ftp 
and roll their own if they dont like the way mandrake does it. Another thing 
that mandrake could do is provide urpmi sources right out of the box for 
remote sources and turn them off by default and then ask if they would like 
to use them. This would allow the user with a fast line to easily get 
anything he does not have from ftp and it would not require any more setup 
time for the end user since the urpmi sources would already be there.

                                      Brook Humphrey           
        Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107        
http://www.webmedic.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
                                 Holiness unto the Lord

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