> The Idea is not weather or not to include them but were to include
> them. Who are they trying to market with the free download edition.
> Developers I sure hope not as allot of the devel libs and things
> that are needed are not really in there. To get a good devel box
> going you may need libs out of contribs along with the devel
> counterparts and many other things. It gets even worse if you
> develop for gnome as a fair amount of gnome libs are in contribs. Hm
> so if the free version is not geared to developers per say who is it
> marketed to? It should be first priority to find the target market
> and target them.

I don't care about the business effects of this, but I think a Linux
distribution needs the two most common developer's editors, emacs and
vim. Without them, you can't take a distribution seriously. Sure, the
bootsplash and kde themes toys are important for the first impression,
but the usefulness of the included software create the quality of the
distribution. What's more useful, GNU emacs, which is God and can do
everything, or kde screensavers, which are eye candy but don't
increase your productivity.

Sure, most people could download the extra stuff, but that's not
always possible, for instance I don't have an internet connection in
my home machine.
What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the
homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of
totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?
    Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948), "Non-Violence in Peace and War"

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