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> On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, FACORAT Fabrice wrote:
>>Le ven 24/10/2003 à 12:20, Jan Ciger a écrit :
>>>Brad Felmey wrote:
>>>| I will smile and politely pat you on the shoulder, understanding
>>>| perfectly that you obviously have zero experience migrating an
>>>| enterprise environment to Linux.
>>>Well, yes, you are right, but what I do not agree with is putting a link
>>>to "smb:/" on the desktop, unless it is made more reliable.
>>>It does not work properly for me (I am current on Cooker) - I am seeing
>>>some shares from our Windows server but not others, some directories
>>>seem to be empty even though they are not and many other strange things
>>>like this.
>>>Either use LinNeighborhood (which works fine for me) or nothing for now,
>>>because a half-broken solution is worse than none.
>>filled bug reports against lisa/gnome-vfs/kio-smb
> yes, but not to say they are bugged. The whole design idea is wrong. IMO
> in doesn't make sense to abstract a filesystem at a DE level, at least
> for current systems. It would be better if lisa (or whatever) asked LUFS
> or even plain (smb)mount to mount the fs. This is less work and has
> probably less bugs than the current hacks. Playing an mp3 via smb://
> currently means downloading the file first before a player starts playing
> it. I do not want 2 minute pauses between my music (don't even try it
> video). Mounting it makes it available for all apps and toolkits. Makes
> more sense to me.

I agree. But smbmount / smbfs is the wrong place to start now,
mount.cifs / cifs is the better place to start (in case you want to
watch a movie > 2GB or access Win2k3 shares etc.

BTW, pam_mount and kio_smb are enough for us here (mainly since we have
a better solution for file sharing, a specific, automated share for
temporary sharing, and well-managed shares accessible via samba and NFS
for project-related files etc), so I won't have much motivation to look
at this ...


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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