> On Thursday 23 October 2003 04:04 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> (sorry, but it's just depressing to see a feature which worked great
>> in 9.0 trashed, when there is only one other distro with the same
>> feature, and they get rave reviews for it ... and I don't feel
>> confident enough in it being working sufficiently in 9.1 and 9.2 to
>> actually do any work advertising it - even if it was responsible for
>> getting 10 desktops into an enterprise windows network)
> yes can you say corel linux way back when had this it was great, xandros
> has  it now as well as lindows, oh and dont forget about ark linux which
> does this  just fine also.

Hmm, AFAIK it's only Xandros which can actually do full domain membership
as we do with Winbind. Most other solutions are hacks (like RH's use of
pam_smb which is only about a quarter of a solution).

> We are more than a little behind on this if
> so many others  can have it working just fine and in the case of corel
> that was literally  years ago.

IIRC, Corel didn't have domain membership working. And their fancy file
manager is proprietary.

> It is a testament though that bero with ark linux has had it working for
> about  a year now also. Anybody here remember when bero joined mandrake
> to help  setup the i586 builds besides me?

I answered one of Bero's questions on samba last week (and it seems
they're implementing something like diskdrake's smb mount support), so I
don't really think we are that much behind Ark anyway.

> And to however above that said this is a bad idea you have no idea what
> you  are talking about. This is a sorely needed feature.

And there are a lot more (but some of them won't be feasible for a while,
such as full Kerberos integration etc to make this all seamless in the
right environment).

> On a side note I love admining my boxen with kio_fish it is so nice to
> edit  files from the gui and then just restart the deamon from a
> terminal.

/me only trusts vi ;-). But, I hope libConf gets taken seriously for 10.0
.... it has a lot of potential, and I wish I had the time to actually start
working on the front-end bits for samba and openldap ...


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