On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, FACORAT Fabrice wrote:

> Le ven 24/10/2003 à 12:20, Jan Ciger a écrit :
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > Brad Felmey wrote:
> > | I will smile and politely pat you on the shoulder, understanding
> > | perfectly that you obviously have zero experience migrating an
> > | enterprise environment to Linux.
> > 
> > Well, yes, you are right, but what I do not agree with is putting a link
> > to "smb:/" on the desktop, unless it is made more reliable.
> > 
> > It does not work properly for me (I am current on Cooker) - I am seeing
> > some shares from our Windows server but not others, some directories
> > seem to be empty even though they are not and many other strange things
> > like this.
> > 
> > Either use LinNeighborhood (which works fine for me) or nothing for now,
> > because a half-broken solution is worse than none.
> filled bug reports against lisa/gnome-vfs/kio-smb

yes, but not to say they are bugged. The whole design idea is wrong. IMO 
in doesn't make sense to abstract a filesystem at a DE level, at least not 
for current systems. It would be better if lisa (or whatever) asked LUFS 
or even plain (smb)mount to mount the fs. This is less work and has 
probably less bugs than the current hacks. Playing an mp3 via smb:// 
currently means downloading the file first before a player starts playing 
it. I do not want 2 minute pauses between my music (don't even try it with 
video). Mounting it makes it available for all apps and toolkits. Makes 
more sense to me.


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