On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 07:32:53PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Not that I want to start a license war...
> Neither is Apache, Netscape, and a host of other packages. Not being

Well, you're right, none of your examples is GPL, that's true.  BUT (big
but, in bright blinky colors): Netscape and XV are not free!  That's my
point, whereas Apache and many of the IMHO superior replacements, like
ImageMagick, Electric Eyes (ee) ... for xv are.

> GPL'd should not be a bar from being on the main distribution.

Okay, GPL'd shouldn't be, true, but being unfree should.

> Pragmatism falls in line with functionality and some of us like XV, it's
> very reliable, unlike some of the others I have seen. It is the reason I
> keep using it.

Well, do what you do, I don't care :], but try display and ee.  They can do
more, load faster, and are free.  But in the end, it's you who uses the

Alexander Skwar
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