Alexander Skwar wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 07:32:53PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Not that I want to start a license war...
> >
> > Neither is Apache, Netscape, and a host of other packages. Not being
> Well, you're right, none of your examples is GPL, that's true.  BUT (big
> but, in bright blinky colors): Netscape and XV are not free!  That's my
> point, whereas Apache and many of the IMHO superior replacements, like
> ImageMagick, Electric Eyes (ee) ... for xv are.

Actually, Netscape is free, just not open source (not counting Mozilla,
of course, but it isn't ready for prime time yet). XV is shareware
(though thankfully not nagware), but is available in source form. Kind
of a pick your poison...

OTH, I read the license... apparently XV needs to be licensed for
redistribution in a commercial product. NOW that is a reason that I
would remove it from the main CD and move it to contrib.

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