David Walluck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Bryan Paxton wrote:
> > Why is mandrake going to a cvs snapshot of gcc ? 
> > You would think of all the much about redhat doing so, you'd think more than 
> > twice about a move like this.
> > 
> > And even statement(I'd more likely call it an advisory) from the gcc team ? 
> No kidding. And last time I tried the gcc 2.96 snapshot Mandrake had, I
> couldn't compile even the most basic things with it. According to what I
> read, 2.96 *will not* be compatible with 3.0, so neither is 2.95.2 BUT AT
> LWAST IT WORKS. What are you guys doing??

i don't care much about this, but here is the idea behind the new gcc being in

- this is cooker where things that breaks are tested. When the new gcc will be
out, it will break some things, and cooker will be prepared for it.
- it is of course not included in 7.2, much too late in any case
- don't make a big fuss around binary C++ compatibility, anyway things are
anyway very intermixed and you need updating the dependencies (such libstdc++)
most of the times

So, as for me, the biggest problem is "will it break a lot of things" against
"will it fix a lot of things". A thing that would be nice would -O3 -mpentiumpro
that works on C++ (gcc-2.95.2 has pb with this)

Last thing, if perl/ruby/ocaml/emacs works, i don't give a damn what the poor C
compiler is ;pp

cu Pixel.

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