On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Franck Martin wrote:

> 99% of the people buying Mandrake do not have access to cable modem...

What percentage have a home network, and would be able to SSH into their

> The 1% are already lucky to have access to high bandwidth service, so
> DO NOT bother us, change your service provider!

Not an option: I for one do not have a choice. If Mandrake comes with
redundant crap enabled by default, Mandrake has a /dev/null to go to.

> Silly discussion indeed...
> Cheers
> Franck
> So it is sshd installed by default!

Installed, but **NOT** enabled. I've seen far too many machines broken
into thanks to the braindead "let's enable everything - after all, it
might come in handy one day to one of the crackers who'll be controlling
this box tomorrow" policy of Linux distros.


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