On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 11:38:54PM -0500, Tim McKenzie wrote:
> you could just mirror all the sites to one base site...

Huh?  I must be misunderstanding.  All I want is a tool on a given
machine that looks at a list of updates on a server somewhere and
updates the given machine to the latest packages.  What do I have to
be mirroring all the sites to one base site for?

> Incidently, perl is
> secure if it's written well.

The program written is not my issue.  It's perl itself.  I may as well
just leave a compiler and all of the dev. libraries on the machine if
I am going to have perl on it.

> From a security standpoint there really is
> no 100% secure way to have a remote site update other computers.

I'm not talking about initiating remote updates.  I am talking about
being able to script/batch update a computer.

> Even
> non-gui programs tend to make insecure temp files that can be used
> maliciously.

That's just bad programming.

> Best bet is to take whatever systems you want to upgrade off of
> their connection to the internet and keep them solely on a LAN. ::shrug::

Now you are being silly.  :-) I am not looking for 100% guaranteed
safety.  I never mentioned requiring that did I?  All I wanted was a
batchable update tool that did not leave behind a huge toolbox for

> just my few cents worth

It is appreciated.  Hopefully things are a bit clearer now.


Brian J. Murrell

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