I agree with this.  That is what is mainly lacking.  It would be nice if
there is the apt-get tool version for RPM to use for the servers.
MandrakeUpdate is nice, but we really need the console based version,
instead of the GUI, with list of file watcher so that it knows where to
update when it become available.

        Hope that someone considers this.

Linux Administrator & Consultant
Russell "Elik" Rademacher

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian J. Murrell
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 1:54 PM
Subject: [Cooker] REALLY need a nongui MandrakeUpdate

There is one place where Mandrake is REALLY suffering at trying to
gain acceptability into the enterprise.  A non-gui update tool.  Right
now, if I have a shop with 50 Linux servers, I am not going to log
into each server and run MandrakeUpdate.

You know what I AM going to do?  I am going to have cron run up2date
(RedHat's updater) in batch mode (on RedHat boxes in case that was not

There are huge security reasons to load all of the shit that is needed
for MandrakeUpdate too.  I don't want X-windows and perl on my
secrurity gateways.  Way too many holes and tools for the Wiley
Cracker thanks.

How about a non-perl (and non-python for that matter -- be better than
RH) based character based, batchable update tool already?


Brian J. Murrell

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