Hmm.  Canada boy is making me hungry for either fried penguin or raw 
fish...?  His idea of having a general mirror of weekly isos or 
something, Im not sure what, is nice. Kinda follows the philosophy 
behind the kc-cooker(slightly behind sched. thanks to vox) that people 
wanna be in the know or in this case (on the edge) but dont feel like 
being flooded with emails (or being on the hemoraging edge or updating 
constantly).  Doesnt quit hold though in the way kc does because as 
said, some days it 25M of new rpms and after a while it 330M.  It  is a 
collection of apps, not one like w**doze.  Common (apparently) 
misconception: Cooker is a daily scheduled thing.  This is not true 
(unless i have been abducted by the government and placed in a hologram 
where I am thoroughly misled).  A developer could make and upload 
program-.99-[1-28]mdk.rpm in one day and then wake up at 2am and, 
realizing it not work, recompile for -29mdk.  Then another developer 
could say hey wtf are you doing and make -30mdk with installkernel put 
back in (haha, just kidding).  So?
What goes in?  Remember that attempt at mdkfreq?  Nice try...not
Remember libext2fs-5mdk (the old school one)?  I unfortunately was doing 
a fresh install at the can see where this is going.  That 
package took I while to get fixed (actually just downgraded) and 
remirrored thoroughly.  I know, I was netinstalling for a few days! 
 Finally did 80 and mdkupdated and figured out the prob.  Then checked 
my mail and several others had figured it out too.  Anyway, what if the 
broken package had been upgraded friday at 2, fishfried at 5, and 
everyone got through formatting and reinstalling until they had no 
initrd and couldnt boot to their scsi hds or use rescue disks from the 
install for the same reason? eh...sniff
See with urpmi u can at least do some small quck precauitons to make 
sure nothing is obviously wrong, THEN reboot.  And it easier to pinpoint 
the problematic package if u ssome who has it as an hourly cronjob or 
something frequenter than weekly.  gee, had something else to say but 
cant remember, oh well, someone else will think of it (i shouldnt have 
started watching tv half through this).  hmm Enterprise is feuding with 
Must say if any frying of fish is to be done, it should be done by 
canadian cottage-dwellers or once a month (M$ has tought us 
traktopel.3e traktopel.4e traktopel prerelease 1,2 then the usual betas 
and release candidates like in the traktopel release.  BTW anyone come 
up with name for 8.1 other than cooker?  I loved the essay on mating 
habits of traktopels :).)

Comm. worker Obrien served under the cardacian guest once.


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