On 21 Jul 2001 10:15:40 +0000, civileme wrote:
> On Saturday 21 July 2001 07:54, Eaon wrote:
> > On 21 Jul 2001 09:42:44 +0000, civileme wrote:
> > > Only one and it isn't broken.  It was a new driver responding to firmware
> > > changes on the Adaptec SCSI cards.  If you update the firmware on your
> > > card, that driver works fine. A few weeks later, of course, a new unified
> > > driver was issued...
> >
> > update my firmware, huh?  That sounds like as much fun as flashing the
> > BIOS (I fried one once - I've been bitter, angry man ever since). 
> Well if that was fun, here is something that will really wake you up in the 
> morning:
> http://www.acl.lanl.gov/linuxbios/docs/HOWTO/SiS630
> It is a little-known fact that BIOS chips are hot-swappable.-)
It always seems like a great idea when first you find out about it, but
then reality sets in.  To re-flash a wrecked bios, you need to boot from
a good bios, take that chip out and put in the fried one, and then run
the flash utility.  But where oh where do you get that good bios?  You
have to have access to the same make and model of motherboard from which
to take it, and inevitably all your friends have a different motherboard
than you.  :-)  Just easier to buy a new motherboard (besides which,
then you get something newer, faster, better, more bells, more
whistles).  :-)

> Actually it is likely to be MORE fun to flash an Adfaptec firmware BIOS 
> because not all Adaptec boards are created equal, and some of them have no 
> flash capabilities even in the 2930, 2940 and 29160 series.  There are also 
> more than 150 different firmware versions, just to make life a little more 
> interesting.
That sounds like too much fun for me to handle, actually (though you
never did tell me where to get them from).  I'll just deal with it being
fixed in software.  :-)  

Anyway, we seem to have gotten way off the original topic here, which is
the odd behaviour of cdrom drives in 8.0 and Freq 2.  Is it a mount bug?
Supermount? (I don't think so, since I un-supermounted the cd drive and
still had the same issue).  Does it have any relation to it being a SCSI
drive, or is that not the issue?


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