That sounds like a good idea for a basic install...
the reason I mentioned the search was for specialty
items like ssh, gnucash or some other requested
feature based on needs.... if the search engine was
sufficiently smart it would recognize the windows
program equivalent.

search for quicken brings up gnucash
search for photoshop brings up the gimp

This would do two things:
  make the conversion to linux easier because you see
the software equivalents you are looking for
  familiarize the newbie to the name and functions of
some of the new software, which will help ease the
intimidation factor.

--- David Walluck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Aug 2001, SI Reasoning wrote:
> > When installing linux for people, they seem to be
> most
> > curious and open at the very beginning. If you
> have to
> > take cumbersome steps to install for them they
> > immediately assume it will be too hard for them
> and
> > lose interest. Even though I love having lots of
> > choices, I have noticed that most newbies get
> > overwhelmed when they see all those weird named
> > programs.... anything unfamiliar is weird. I think
> it
> > would be easier to put in a few items and let them
> get
> > used to it and get beyond that initial fear. Then
> new
> > programs can be added as needed.
> >
> > That is why having a search engine on install
> would be
> > so nice. I can quickly get in what I need and have
> > them up and running fairly quickly, give a little
> > orientation and be on my way.
> I don't think it would be called a search engine. I
> think a different
> solution (to this problem) that could be in 8.1 is
> provide basic groups.
> For example:
> Choose your web prowser:
> Mozilla
> Konqueror
> Netscape
> Choose your mail client:
> KMail
> Mozilla
> Pine
> Mutt
> Choose your MP3 player:
> mpg123
> One would be selected per default, with the option
> to install more. I
> think that this would help the install *so much* and
> would also provide
> newbies with the knowledge that "Hey Linux can do
> what I want" instead of
> them never knowing because the major features they
> wanted were buried in
> the collapsed tree somewhere.
> Thoughts?
> -- 
> Sincerely,
> David Walluck

SI Reasoning
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