On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Brian J. Murrell wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 07, 2001 at 12:05:54PM -0400, David Walluck wrote:
> >
> > For me, it's usually just for workstation use, but I'm glad to see
> > journaling as I have had ext2 crash
> You have had the filesystem crash on you?  i.e. The filesystem
> corrupted data while the system was running, without any other
> anomolies -- not the system crashing and losing data on the fsck.  If
> that is your claim, I highly doubt that.

No, you took the whole tone negatively, but I'll admit it's a bit
misleading. I can't attribute every crash to the filesystem itself, of
course, and I can't say that ext2 is a bad fs, either. I wasn't saying
anything like that.

What I was saying is that I am *happy* about a journaling fiflesytem
because when my system locks up I no longer have to lose hundreds of
megabytes of data.

If this has never happened to you then you are lucky :)

But you also say "losing data on the fsck" which is misleading to, because
as we both know the fsck tries to correct problems not cause them. So
either way you're incorrect speaking for me when you say that I am
speaking for you. Again, when did I ever say "Brian J. Murrell don't use

> > so many times and have lost so much
> > data that I'm glad if we can finally put an end to all of that.
> You are one in a million then.

One in a million people ever had their OS crash? Try one in a million
people haven't. Especially Windows users whose systems crash every five
minutes (and that's not exaggerated, I've seen it happen).


David Walluck

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