On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Blue Lizard wrote:

> David Walluck wrote:
> as ext3 is also in initrd, as opposed to vmlinuz (i may be wrong about
> this...)

It's probably a disadvantage to leave anything in the kernel these days ;)

>   I have never heard gael refer to mandrake as "RedHat compiled with
> optimizations for i586 ?;P".  I dont think i will for quite a while.

Why do you say "never"? You had to hear it at least once to repeat it,

> I hope i was as diplomatic as possible in this response, though
> suppressing much in that last comment.B

Again, that's not me talking. The last time I checked, the index.html for
Mandrake said that it was "100% RedHat compatible". They should probably
change that to <link>RedHat compatible</link> and explain their stance as
well as what is and what is not compatible.

At one time RedHat was very important to Mandrake, but as they grow they
have more and more of their own identity. Still, it is up to marketing,
not me, to decide just how important it is.


David Walluck

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