Well, it's tough to say from that description.  Is the last the thing you see "LI" before it hangs?  I've had that problem several times, and it can be fixed by using the "rescue" function of the boot disk (CD).  If so, let me know and I'll try to give you some pointers for fixing your lilo configuration.  Otherwise, keep looking... :)

"Clearly, government of the corporation, by the corporation
and for the corporation shall not perish from this earth."
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 2:06 AM
Subject: [Cooker] Mandrake 8.1 Beta 3

Okay I'm probably not supposed to write to you guys here being new and all but what the hell :)
Here it goes: I downloaded the iso's today and went to install. Nothing, didn't work.  It would get to the point were it's just about to start querying the IDE channels and hang. I have an Asus A7V  with an 850mhz AMD ( KT133 VIA Chipset) .  Anyhow I couldn't figure it out for a bit then I went into the BIOS and turned the primary IDE to AUTO from None.  Finally I could get past that point and ran the install.  Everything went fine, I setup the printer, X, Everything.  I was on my way to the new Mandrake.  Install was done an my computer rebooted.  Now it just hangs at the Blue Welcome screen.  So I thought I would send a message to you all and see if you have any ideas what could be causing this problem and if there's is any work around.
Edgar K.

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