On 2001.11.04 16:57 Steven Lawrance wrote:
> I'll have to look into ulimit through PAM :-).  Thanks for the info :-)!!

For ulimit, you will have to check the information of bash. Since ulimit
is a bash-thing. (man bash+/+ulimit). ulimit is for the processes forked
by bash only I think, while PAM is system wide. So if you have a lot
users with all different "limits"; I think ulimit is the best choice,
else use PAM. But I guess other people on this list have better suggestions
about this one. I am not sure about this one; but I think that if the
user changes his shell, that the ulimit (which you set at one of the
startup scripts) will not be set. So you must also make it impossible
for that user to change his shell (chmod -s /usr/bin/chsh).

> I wonder if Windows has anything like ulimit?  They only recently
> filesystem quotas and symliks (did reparse points actually make it into 
> 2000/XP?), so they may still be working on innovating other things like 
> ulimit...

I don't know. I am not into Microsoft Win2k.. damages my brains to much :)

Philip van Hoof aka freax (http://www.freax.eu.org)
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