On Monday 21 January 2002 08:34, you wrote:
-> On Monday 21 January 2002 08:33, Sergio Korlowsky wrote:
-> > This time I would dare to say... EVERYTHING means... eveything, 
 (Pixel?) -> > "with the exception of: conflicting packages or those with
 known dependancy -> > problems."
-> Since there are only a handful of these (albeit some of them involving
-> several packages), such as Pro/pure/wu-FTPd, SendMail/PostFix,
-> Apache/Zope/Boa/Roxen, the option of a small set of multi-choices (opened
 on -> a reasonable set of defaults, say ProFTPd, PostFix, Apache in this
 example) -> to settle any remaining issues in a kitchen-sink install in real
 time seems -> to be a reasonable approach.
-> Cheers; Leon

I'll give you another 'good' reason to have a <Intall Everything> 'Option',
If for any reason I miss a selection from the loooong list of additional 
packages I want to install, (even if I never use them). 
By selecting 'packages' at initiall installation stage, it takes care of all 
dependancies, but, if I install later on, always have to search for a lot of 
aditional libraries.

What I am trying to expalin is, It IS better to have all those packages 
resolve dependancies and install related libraries at initial install or 
upgrade, than having to go picking one by one later on.

And is just an <option> for those of us who want to have everything
installed, maybe not for someone with a limited space (small hdd.)

my 0.02   


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