On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, tester wrote:

> Dan Mack wrote:
> > I've been running cooker on 3 of my systems for a few months now and I
> > find myself missing an option that Redhat has had for a while and that is
> > the 'install everything' checkbox in the install tool.
> >
> > Even after checking every single box on the select software scrren of
> > Mandrake, things like 'unzip' aren't even installed.  This gets a little
> > tedious, especially if you have a big server with plenty of space and you
> > don't want to traverse 20 submenus just to get all the stuff you need to
> > use the system effectively.
> >
> > Thoughts, comments?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> First of all, MAndrake has many more packages than RH.  Second, some
> packages conflict with each other and cannot be installed side-by side
> (Glide libraries and Zope servers, for example).
> And please don't tell Mandrake to pick.  You know no matter what they
> pick, it will be starting a holy war.  Last I looked, recommended
> install didn't install emacs which is my favorite IDE, and second
> favorite desktop...

Mandrake already picks.  And, they didn't pick zip/unzip.

> But during install (individual package selection) there is a little
> symbol at the bottom which looks like two blue arrows chasing each other
> -- click that -- Presto!  A flat list comes up so you can pick your
> favorite packages in collating sequence.

Yes, I know how to do it, it's just much more work with mandrake and
manddrake seems to leave some obvious defaults off the list.  Even XP
comes with unzip LOL!


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