On Mon Mar 04, 2002 at 10:08:08PM -0500, Levi Ramsey wrote:

> > Apache works just *fine* without Indexes.  And because it is,
> > potentially, a security hole (through inappropriate disclosure), the
> > end user should be forced to enable it where appropriate... which is
> > exactly the case.
> Yes, but every case that I can think of where a security problem was
> caused by Indexes was in reality a case of putting a sensitive file in a
> web-accessible directory.  The indexing itself is not a problem, imo.

You're right.  Think of it as security through obscurity.  Not much,
in terms of security, but it does add some extra protection, which can
be useful for newbies who don't really know what they're doing.

I also only make reference to the newbies here because everyone else
seems to want to continually point out that Mandrake is for newbies,
so those who want to use Mandrake as an "expert" (I guess) are stuck
with some newbiezed software configured in a newbiezed way.

(not that I believe Mandrake is just for newbies at all)

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
"lynx -source http://www.freezer-burn.org/bios/vdanen.gpg | gpg --import"
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Current Linux kernel 2.4.8-34.1mdk uptime: 41 days 2 hours 5 minutes.

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