On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 05:50, Vincent Danen wrote:

> I also only make reference to the newbies here because everyone else
> seems to want to continually point out that Mandrake is for newbies,
> so those who want to use Mandrake as an "expert" (I guess) are stuck
> with some newbiezed software configured in a newbiezed way.
> (not that I believe Mandrake is just for newbies at all)
Nor do I,
but, and there's always a but, if you compare mandrake to the other
distros ,ie redhat, Suse, (no personal experiance of slackware and
debian) at the moment the install is easier and less likely to fail.
Redhat dos'nt always detect the users harwdware, and suse's is a pain in
the butt to install, keep changing the cd's every few mins !.
Mandrake is not usually the first OS a newbie will try, its often the've
tried redhat, screwed up the install, cant get something to run and end
up with mdk on recommendation.

Its at this point if some developer keeps putting his/her personal
whims and locks out the very facilites the new user wants, the new user
is just liable to give up and go back to winblows.
So everyone loses !

less users , more attitude by the major s/w players that its not worth
providing products for a OS that no-one uses,, WE ALL LOSE.
If a developer wants to be a cyber-hermit, fine let them. It's their
choice, but please don't ram it down the throats of everyone else by
ie . rp_filters should not be turned on by default, only at the highest
msec level, definatly not 2 or 3.
br richard

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