On Tue Mar 05, 2002 at 09:38:16AM +0000, richard bown wrote:

> > I also only make reference to the newbies here because everyone else
> > seems to want to continually point out that Mandrake is for newbies,
> > so those who want to use Mandrake as an "expert" (I guess) are stuck
> > with some newbiezed software configured in a newbiezed way.
> > 
> > (not that I believe Mandrake is just for newbies at all)
> Nor do I,
> but, and there's always a but, if you compare mandrake to the other
> distros ,ie redhat, Suse, (no personal experiance of slackware and
> debian) at the moment the install is easier and less likely to fail.
> Redhat dos'nt always detect the users harwdware, and suse's is a pain in
> the butt to install, keep changing the cd's every few mins !.
> Mandrake is not usually the first OS a newbie will try, its often the've
> tried redhat, screwed up the install, cant get something to run and end
> up with mdk on recommendation.
> Its at this point if some developer keeps putting his/her personal
> whims and locks out the very facilites the new user wants, the new user
> is just liable to give up and go back to winblows.
> So everyone loses !
> less users , more attitude by the major s/w players that its not worth
> providing products for a OS that no-one uses,, WE ALL LOSE.
> If a developer wants to be a cyber-hermit, fine let them. It's their
> choice, but please don't ram it down the throats of everyone else by
> default.
> ie . rp_filters should not be turned on by default, only at the highest
> msec level, definatly not 2 or 3.

Hmmm... not sure where this all came from... =)  Let me just say that
I do agree with you... by no means was I suggesting that we should
make Mandrake harder to use or in any other way unattractive to
newbies.  My point was that Mandrake isn't *just* for newbies... if it
was, we could probably fit everything on CD (how many newbies are
going to learn emacs or vi, configure iplog, etc.)

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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