On Tue Mar 05, 2002 at 05:01:32AM -0800, David Walser wrote:

> > Not to sound silly or anything, but apache is a web
> > server... we build
> > and configure it as web server.  Our aim, with
> > apache, is for it to be
> > a web server.  Now, I agree that there are probably
> > a million and one
> > uses for apache, but really... what you do with
> > apache is your
> > business, right?  Just because you, and some people
> > you know, use
> > apache this way doesn't mean everyone uses it this
> > way.  I certainly
> > never have.  If I want a file manager,
> File *SERVER*.  Did you even understand what I wrote? 
> Tell me, what is a better, more portable file server
> on a heterogenous network when you don't admin all of
> the other client machines you use?  Not NFS, not
> Samba, and don't even try FTP, now *THAT's* a security
> hole.  http is a (relatively) secure file transfer
> protocol.  And you don't know anyone that uses it that
> way?  Been to http://sunsite.uio.no/pub/ lately?

Hmmm... yes.  Ok, I understand what you're saying.

It still makes no difference to me.  And no, I haven't been to
http://sunsite.uio.no/pub/ lately... I tend to do my file transfers
via FTP or rsync.  I really dislike downloading files via HTTP.

Anyways, this is a relatively useless discussion because I certainly
am not going to change this behaviour in apache.  If Jean-Michel
thinks it is appropriate, he can make the change since he's the
maintainer, but I hope he doesn't.

You're entitled to your opinion... I'm entitled to mine.

Thanks for your feedback.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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