Hey all,
        I posted awhile ago about having trouble installing the betas.  Beta 4 is 
unfortunately no better for me.  In addition to the things I tried before 
(I've copied my original message below for completeness), I've changed my 
partitions from ReiserFS to ext3 and also ext2, I've used 3 different kinds 
of CDRs (including ones I've used very successfully in the past to install 
mdk isos), I've used 3 different CD drives (one DVD drive, one CDR drive, and 
one plain old CD drive).  I've tried it with passing the kernel options I 
need (ide2=.... for a IDE controller card).  I've tried it with various 
security settings.  The install crashes while installing packages every 
single time.  It doesn't bomb out with an error, it just hangs.  I've let 
this thing sit for 12 or more hours and it doesn't budge.
        My question this time around is I've seen people posting all kinds of nice 
logs showing where the install has failed or given them an error.  Where do I 
get those from on my machine?   I rebooted using the rescue option and poked 
around in /tmp and /var/log but all the files there were empty.
        As always, any suggestions are welcome.  I really want to get this working 
on my machine before 8.2 ships... I don't relish the thought of using 8.1 
until 9.0 comes out.  Thanks!  -- Dave 

Oh, P.S. -- Warly posted 5 criteria earlier for another install problem 
earlier this week.   In case anyone is tempted to regurgitate them, here are 
my responses.

1. burn a new CD

done. many times.

2. try new CDR brand 

done. twice

3. change your CD drive

done.  twice

4. change your burner

had friends burn the CDs for me.

5. do not test

try to stop me ;-)

---------------------------------Old Message---------------------------

Hey all,
        I've been having a lot of problems installing the betas.  Since beta 
1, I'd get past the package selection to the actual installing of packages.  
It'd get through maybe 10 - 20 packages before locking up completely.  
Switching screens to see whats going on, I find that its trying to fetch an 
RPM from the CD when it fails.
        At first I figured that it might just be bad media so I tried 
different brands of CDRs, same deal.  Then, I thought it might be something 
with the CD burning program so I tried xroast (I was using xroaster so I 
tried gcombust).  Same deal.  Then I realized they were basically just both 
front ends using the same CD burning utility.  My working MDK8.1 CDs were 
burnt using Nero (under windows) so I tried doing that on the same media as 
the MDK8.1 CDs.  Same deal.
        I then thought it could be something with my CD or DVD drive but the 
install fails the same way on both.  I have a TDK121032A CDR and generic 10x 
DVD drive thats identified as a LITEON DVD-ROM LTD163.  A install of MDK8.1 
succedes 100% of the time on both.
        The weird thing is that on a whim I decided to try installing beta 3 
under VMWare.  The install ran like a champ... all the way to completion.
        The last thing I can think of might be that it might be a problem 
with ReiserFS which is what I'm using for all my partitions.  I would try 
deleting my / and /usr partitions and reinstalling on ext3 to see if that 
worked but I don't have any more time to fiddle with it this weekend.
        Has anyone ran across any similar problems?  I didn't see any 
problems related to this in the bugzilla database and I wanted to try to 
narrow it down a little bit before I posted a formal report there.  Thanks! 
-- Dave

-----------------------------End Old Message---------------------------

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