On Friday 19 April 2002 10:55 pm, Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Fri Apr 12, 2002 at 11:55:07AM -0700, Brook Humphrey wrote:
> [...]
> > > > Sorry that the guy sucks but at least his software works as intended
> > > > and I never have to wory about the security of it.
> > >
> > > Not to continue a flamewar, but isn't postfix just as secure as qmail?
> > > Wietse Venema's no slouch in the security department.
> >
> > Ok. Here goes. It's not that postfix is insecure. It's great.
> >
> > However; I prefer maildir's. When setting up virtual servers it makes it
> > much easier to enforce quotas. Allot of this is that I'm relly attached
> > to maildirs and don't want to give them up. I like the maildir format and
> > the way the mail is handled much better than the old way of doing.
> >
> > If you can give me a good mta that does maildirs and is reasonably fast
> > I'll look at it but for now the choices are limited. at least courier can
> > be set up to handle the pop and imap but for now I'm kind of attached to
> > qmail for smtp services.
> Likewise.  qmail is secure, rock solid, stable, and extremely low
> maintenance.  Also the simplest MTA I've ever had the pleasure of
> configuring and maintaining.
> That being said, both postfix and exim support Maildirs (not by
> default, but they both do).

Wondering if you whould pop up here. What about courier? It supports maildirs. 
I just set it up on my test box after some custom compiles and I like it. So 
far I have all working accept cram-md5 auth against the smtp but ssl is 
working over smtp. ssl and cram are working over imap and I havn't tried pop 
yet but I would imagine it is working there also. another thing woking is 
maildrop/spamassassin which I'm quite happy about. I'll be working on 
blackhole next as it looks good and handles virus's also.

> Out of the two, I prefer exim... I like how it's configured much more
> than postfix... postfix tries to be too sendmail-ish for me.  I've
> never liked postfix.  Having said that, exim has had more security
> problems than postfix, and postfix has had more than qmail.  AFAIK,
> postfix has had one security problem (maybe two... I'd have to
> check).  qmail, on the other hand, has had none.  That gives me
> confidence.  It's also (1.03) not in active development, unlike
> postfix, which means that no new bugs due to new features, etc. can
> crop up... that possibility is greater in postfix than qmail due to
> postfix's active development.

Yes the only problem I found with courier is the configuration but it's easier 
than postfix by far but not eisier than qmail. Security I'm not sure about 
with courier. 

> That isn't to say qmail isn't in development.. djb is supposedly
> working on qmail v2 but that's all closed development, with no ETA as
> to when it will be publically available.
> But that's a topic for another day... in the meantime, qmail does
> everything I need, and does it well... I won't be changing anytime
> soon.

> > Others are always an option when and if they become available.

                                      Brook Humphrey           
        Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107        
http://www.webmedic.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
                                 Holiness unto the Lord

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