Frederic Crozat wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Oct 2002 09:10:32 +0200, Michal Bukovjan wrote:
>>Hi cooker,
>>just installed MDK9.0 and it looks great. There are some problems I ran 
>>1. No way to switch window managers. I looked at a lot of places, but 
>>there is metacity running and no way to switch to something else (via a
> GUI)
> Metacity is now the only WM supported by MandrakeSoft for GNOME.. If you
> want to use something else, you're on your own..
> Settings WINDOW_MANAGER variable in ~/.bashrc will help...
>>2. Sawfish advanced options will not work. In GNOME Control center, 
>>going to Advanced/Sawfish and clicking on any icon has no effect :-(
>>I even tried to remove ~/.sawfish, still the same.
> Work perfectly here..

But not here. Since you do not support sawfish, the only solution would 
be rpm -e sawfish :-( Correct?

Is there anything I can do to help you? How do I get some feedback from 
system on why it is not starting the capplet?

I am happy with metacity, that's ok, but then I have some probs which 
may or may not be related to metacity - just try this yourself:

[Running upgraded fresh 8.2 (week old) upgraded to 9.0]

Problem 1:
- run Mozilla                     [Mozilla window has focus]
- run Mozilla Mail (optional)
- run gedit (or anything else), in the same workspace
                                   [gedit window has focus]
- click inside Mozilla window - the Mozilla window comes on top, but 
does not get focus. I have to click on the window header to get it to focus.

I have "Click to focus" setting enabled in GCC.

Problem 2:
Not sure if related to WM - playing freeciv client shipped with MDK9.0 
(I guess it is the GTK2 client), when multiple windows popup after a 
turn, only one of them is focusable.

This is especially annoying when scientists come with a new invention, 
you try to choose another one to invent, click on help check box and 
have help screen pop up on a invention, but this help screen is not 
active/is disabled. You have to close science report dialog, and only 
then you can use the help popup window.

Let me know if I can help you with any of the probs. I will try sawfish 
and see if the problems persist.


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