On Wed, 02 Oct 2002 10:14:50 +0200, Michal Bukovjan wrote:

> Frederic Crozat wrote:
>> On Wed, 02 Oct 2002 09:10:32 +0200, Michal Bukovjan wrote:
>>>Hi cooker,
>>>just installed MDK9.0 and it looks great. There are some problems I ran 
>>>1. No way to switch window managers. I looked at a lot of places, but 
>>>there is metacity running and no way to switch to something else (via a
>> GUI)
>> Metacity is now the only WM supported by MandrakeSoft for GNOME.. If you
>> want to use something else, you're on your own..
>> Settings WINDOW_MANAGER variable in ~/.bashrc will help...
> Understood.
>>>2. Sawfish advanced options will not work. In GNOME Control center, 
>>>going to Advanced/Sawfish and clicking on any icon has no effect :-(
>>>I even tried to remove ~/.sawfish, still the same.
>> Work perfectly here..
> But not here. Since you do not support sawfish, the only solution would 
> be rpm -e sawfish :-( Correct?
> Is there anything I can do to help you? How do I get some feedback from 
> system on why it is not starting the capplet?

Check ~/.xsession-errors for error message ..

> I am happy with metacity, that's ok, but then I have some probs which 
> may or may not be related to metacity - just try this yourself:
> [Running upgraded fresh 8.2 (week old) upgraded to 9.0]
> Problem 1:
> ----------
> - run Mozilla                     [Mozilla window has focus]
> - run Mozilla Mail (optional)
> - run gedit (or anything else), in the same workspace
>                                    [gedit window has focus]
> - click inside Mozilla window - the Mozilla window comes on top, but 
> does not get focus. I have to click on the window header to get it to focus.
> I have "Click to focus" setting enabled in GCC.

I can't reproduce it with Metacity...

Whenever I click on mozilla window, focus is correctly given to Mozilla..

> Problem 2:
> ----------
> Not sure if related to WM - playing freeciv client shipped with MDK9.0 
> (I guess it is the GTK2 client), when multiple windows popup after a 
> turn, only one of them is focusable.
> This is especially annoying when scientists come with a new invention, 
> you try to choose another one to invent, click on help check box and 
> have help screen pop up on a invention, but this help screen is not 
> active/is disabled. You have to close science report dialog, and only 
> then you can use the help popup window.

I'm not a freeciv specialist at all, so it is kind of tricky to

If freeciv dialogs are modal, it is normal to block all other access to
main interface..

Anyway, your problems are quite strange, since almost nobody complains on
metacity behaviour in click-to-focus (which is the default mode) and I
didn't have any problem with it since I integrated it in the distro..

The only remaining problem are with some fullscreen applications (like
Xine or Galeon) and it should be fixed soon..
Frederic Crozat

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