On Wed, 02 Oct 2002 09:10:32 +0200, Michal Bukovjan wrote:

> Hi cooker,
> just installed MDK9.0 and it looks great. There are some problems I ran 
> into:
> 1. No way to switch window managers. I looked at a lot of places, but 
> there is metacity running and no way to switch to something else (via a

Metacity is now the only WM supported by MandrakeSoft for GNOME.. If you
want to use something else, you're on your own..
Settings WINDOW_MANAGER variable in ~/.bashrc will help...

> 2. Sawfish advanced options will not work. In GNOME Control center, 
> going to Advanced/Sawfish and clicking on any icon has no effect :-(
> I even tried to remove ~/.sawfish, still the same.

Work perfectly here..
Frederic Crozat

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