On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 19:47, Igor Izyumin wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 October 2002 04:15 pm, rowland penny wrote:
> > On Tuesday 08 Oct 2002 8:35 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > > It's part of glibc and if you have a 686 cpu (like a celeron) it does
> > > get used for the kernel. (Even in RH they do this)
> > >
> > > James
> >
> > mandrake is advertised as being i586 (or pentium) compatible not i686
> > (celeron, p2,p3,p4) so why have a directory named i686?. redhat 8.0 loads
> > onto a epia based system without any trouble so why doesn't mandrake!
> Mandrake works just fine on i586 processors.  I run it on my i-opener with an 
> IDT Winchip 200 MHz processor. It is possible, as someone has mentioned, that 
> the chip you have lies about being a i686 when it's not fully compatible with 
> that family.  Try 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'.  If it says "cpu family: 6", then that 
> is the problem.
> As for the i686 directory: it's there so people who have a newer processor 
> (which is probably more than 90% of the installs) have their system running 
> faster.  RH might not include this optimization, so it would run slower.  I 
> don't see why the majority of the users has to take a performance hit just so 
> that one or two people with a buggy processor have problems.  However, 
> Mandrake could possibly detect the processor type and install a different set 
> of libraries for weird CPUs.
> If you are really desperate, you can try moving that directory somewhere so 
> that the libraries from it don't get loaded, if that's what's causing the 
> problem.
> -- 
> -- Igor

Most of this I agree with exception however is taken to referring to the
chip as "weird"  The problem is that it came out very late in the cycle
about beta4 .... at that time I was the ONLY voice trying to say
something.  Todd was as helpful as he could be (Thank-You) but it took
too much time to build up a large enough mass of users to get voices
heard.  2.4.19 does have the Via CPU3  in the compile instructions. 
However it just won't build right on 8.2 (it's too unstable to stay up
for an entire build for one thing.) so I never got that working right. 
If you check VIA's site you'll not the the errata pages they have
mention that the kernel should be built for the k-6 family (i586) for
optimal performance.  That I did get running.  But 8.2 beind 8.2 ....
9.0 is better.  NOW I know how to force the i586 kernel install onto 9.0
and I can then build optimized for VIA yeeehaaaa.



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