onsdagen den 9 oktober 2002 23.04 skrev Vincent Danen:
> On Wednesday, October 9, 2002, at 05:35 PM, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > [snip]
> >
> >>> I don't really like to tamper with openssh too much.  =)
> >
> > On the other hand...
> >
> > If Mandrake can't do what ever they please, use what ever patch they
> > please
> > with this software, it's not free and should be dropped immediately
> > from the
> > distribution...
> We can do whatever we want with openssh... it's under the BSD license.
> That's not the point.
> The point is I don't like to do this.  It's fine to patch things for
> fixes, proper language translations, etc.  But adding features like
> this causes other problems... it will bring a lot of bad publicity for
> MandrakeSoft because of Theo; he's made many threats in the past and
> he's neurotic enough to follow through.  For instance, if we do
> something Theo really doesn't like, or that Markus doesn't like, any
> questions regarding openssh that even faintly mention Mandrake
> somewhere in the equation, will get blasted by the openssh developers,
> and they'll be referred here with none too kind words.
> I'd rather avoid that sort of thing.

Ahh, I didn't think that far, are they really such a*holes? May I ask what 
those threats were?

> This is something that can be done with an optional build switch so
> someone can easily rebuild the srpm for themself with the patch
> applied.  It's not something I want to make mainstream unless I know
> that the openssh authors aren't going to be pricks about it.  I prefer
> to have as few headaches as possible.

Ok. I will fix an conditional switch for this. It would be interesting to hear 
what they have to say about this as it's a pretty new feature. As I 
understand it it's as new as of this month. They might not even know about 

Regards // Oden Eriksson - Deserve-IT Networks http://d-srv.com

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