On Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 11:56 PM, Han Boetes wrote:

>> Hmm..., that sounds just plain childish to me. My godness...
> The explanation isn't really good.

Well, I was short on time... =)  But your explanation is right on... 
that's exactly my feelings as well, and that is exactly the point.

Some authors feel very strongly this way, and I don't disagree with 
them (for example djb).  Some, like djb, make their license reflect 
this and it seems restrictive; others, like Theo et. all, keep their 
license free (BSD), but still prefer things the same way.  I try to 
work with them like that as much as possible, regardless of the license.

I also agree with you about openssh being a critical app, one I prefer 
not to fsck around with too much.  Too much damage can be caused by 
carelessly adding features.

That being said, the authors haven't indicated much about this 
particular add-on.  I don't think it would be a problem to include it, 
I just don't want to do it.  If it makes it into openssh, fine.  I'm 
not 100% sure of the reasoning behind it, and it doesn't look all that 
useful yet... it seems to me that this is just a "patch" to make their 
commercial program work better... I've not seen an open-source app to 
take advantage of it yet.  And until that happens, it's usefulness is 
limited (in my opinion).

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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