On 2002.11.09 Gary Greene wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> as it does now. If you want only one control center, just embed your tools 
> into the KDE Control Center (+the seperate one for GNOME users.)

That's what I most would like. MDK can develop its own tools, but plz integrate
them in standard control centers, like Gnome's one. Most people uses KDE or
Gnome. For those not using any of them, sure there is one other config tool
widely used (linuxconf ?). So you can get your useful tools and integrate them
in the standard control panels. One backend and several fronts to embed them
in control panels.

J.A. Magallon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      \                 Software is like sex:
werewolf.able.es                         \           It's better when it's free
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586
Linux 2.4.20-rc1-jam2 (gcc 3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.1 3.2-3mdk))

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