Here the messages (in french) I have each time I try to send a mail with a    
mail client (since 1 year, I send mails from webmails :( ) :               
Kmail :               
Impossible d'envoyer le message :               
One of the recipients was not accepted.               
The server responded: "RCPT TO:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Relaying not               
allowed "               
Evolution :    
"Erreur durant "expédition de "sujet"" :          
erreur réponse RCPT TO: Action demandée non prise : boite à lettres     
indisponible : courrier non envoyé.     
Infos :  
- I'm connected by ADSL (Alcatel speedtouch)  
- It's with the machine who share the internet connection  
- my ISP is Wanadoo in France.  
When I take my laptop and connect with a 56k modem to an another ISP, it 
Any idea ? 
Thanks for your help,   

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