Le Lundi 11 Novembre 2002 05:06, Brian Smith a écrit :   
> On Sunday 10 November 2002 03:20 am, Florent BERANGER wrote:   
> > > I agree that the Mandrake config tools ought to be integrated into the   
> > > KDE or Gnome control centers. What would be super-nice   
> > > icing-on-the-cake kind of stuff would be if they'd do a Qt front-end to   
> > > the tools so they blend with the KDE control center better.   
> >   
> > Gtk library is lighter than qt and, works in all environments, and all   
> > Mdk's tools are already in Perl-Gtk, I agree with Mdk to keep Gtk !   
> > Gtk apps can be embeded in KDE control center, there is no matter.   
> Gtk might be lighter than Qt, but if a user has no Gtk-based software,   
> config tools in Gtk are going to be more load for that user than if they   
> were Qt. The flip side of that is also true though, which is why having   
> both options would be ideal. Given limited developer resources though, it   
> would seem logical to me to design for the toolkit of the default desktop.   
Many major softwares (as Gimp) are in Gtk. Your case (no gtk apps) is too   
specific. Please don't apply your case to all users.   
If a user want a minimal system with X or a system with Gnome, windowmaker,   
flubox, E, do you think he want qt libraries ? I think no.   
2 frontends to develop and maintain ? I don't think Mdk team will have the   
time and it's just a little design issue in config tool. I don't think that is   
important at this time.   
> As far as embedding the Gtk apps in KDE control center, it's cool that you   
> can do it, but how is it going to look?   
Fonctionnalities : top   
Ease of use : top   
Coherence : top   
Look : so so but it's not the more important for config tool. And it'll not   
look so bad.   
> > And, if they do that, you'll can navigate in control center (both kde &   
> > gnome) without a mouse, a  feature that MCC don't have at this time.   
> I was not aware of that. Do people actually use KDE and Gnome without a   
> mouse, though?   
And if user just have misconfigured his mouse ?   
> > And if kde have tool in is control center that gnome one haven't ?   
> > And for others environments ?   
> In those cases, obviously Mandrake will want to fill in the gap. Most of   
> the folks not using KDE or Gnome probably don't need config tools, but if   
> they do, perhaps Webmin would be a good choice, since it's   
> environment-neutral.   
They don't want config tools ??? I don't think they'll be agree. They'll   
consider that as a regression !   
I want MCC on my fluxbox desktop !   
> > Which ones ? I don't see.   
> > Take the exemple of Drakxres who works better and have many   
> > more fonctionnalities than kxconfig.   
> To each his own, I guess. I think kxconfig is just fine, and I don't see   
> any major missing functionality in it.   
Because Xdrakres have a better ease of use, use Mdk hardware detection    
libraries / have a better Mdk stuff integration.   
And I just saw that kxconfig have a bug -> he detect my keyboard with US   
layout. I'm in french layout (I agree, it's not related). 
> > > Oh, while we're on the topic, I'll state my opinion that linuxconf was   
> > > the biggest piece of crap I have ever tried to use to configure a   
> > > system, and I   
> Hmm, I take it by your lack of argument here that you're not a linuxconf   
> fan either? :)   
MCC is greet for others environment than Gnome & KDE.  
If Mdk team is agree, tests can be done (it's not long/hard to integrate Mdk 
in KDE control center. For Gnome control center, I don't know, I hope it's the  

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