On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 15:30:09 -0700
Vincent Danen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday, November 14, 2002, at 06:27 AM, Marcel Pol wrote:
> > I like maradns, and I've been playing with it for a while now.
> > I've been trying out different configfiles now, but I'm not completely 
> > happy
> > with that and the packaging, therefore I haven't uploaded it yet.
> What's wrong with the packaging?  I'll admit, I haven't looked at it 
> yet.  Out of all the contendors, Dents and MaraDNS looked the best, so 
> I was thinking of packaging them for contribs myself.  But if you've 
> got more experience with it, then please feel free.

Actually I found the default config files a bit of a mess. I'd like to have a
package with 3 configfiles, mararc.recursive, mararc.authorative and
mararc.full, where /etc/sysconfig/maradns or the initscript defaults to the
recursive configfile.
I have been using the 1.0 version for some time. In the 1.1 tree the
configfiles were remade a bit like this, so maybe I should look into that. I
should be able to figure it out.
Also the initscript is rather complex to me, and I was a bit stuck on it. It
doesn't run daemonized, but with bash job control, and it can start several
processes. I forgot what exactly, but there were some things I wanted to
change, but it was over my head. I could make it a learning experience then,
or let it be as it is, and upload it to contribs with the default initscript.

> Quite frankly, I'd like to see another DNS server in main.  We phased 
> out wu-ftpd as the defacto FTP server with proftpd...  I'd like to see 
> something take the place of bind as well.  If, for nothing else, then 
> as a caching-nameserver so that BIND doesn't need to be installed at 
> all.

Ok, good to know. I had it running for some time now on my local network, and
it seems rather functional for me.
I don't have a heavy setup with ipv6, ipsec keys or whatever, so I'm not sure
how the features compare to bind. But just on  recursive and authorative I
have good experience with it.

Marcel Pol

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