On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 11:22:37AM +0100, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> Hmmm I know encryption is a littlebit a problem. But there are people using 
> the german Premiere (pay-TV) with vdr.

Right, but the encryption is probably using standard mechanisms, not
bastarized the way DISH apparently is.  See my previous post for a URL
to a thread on the linux-dvb ML about it.

> yes for sure, but shipping from US/canada to europe will be more expensive 
> than the card I guess.

Really, even if sent by regular mail?

> Have a look here:

30 EUR is expensive?


Or even 23 EUR for a 32MB card?


> Yes sure. At least you know best whats the situation at there you live.

Right.  This was my whole point in suggesting I need to move to
somewhere more liberated, like Europe.  :-)

> And I 
> think there is a demand for the dvb-driver to work better with cam/ci. 
> hopefully this will improve. 

Still wouldn't work here with a lack of DVB use period and it being
bastardized where it is being used.

> Yes Mjpeg eats a lot of diskspace while having the best quality.

Maybe I will get a chance to find out myself.  I might even buy into
recording with MJPEG and transcoding to MPEG2 offline.

> What you said 
> about the Kfir board I'm not sure. I think the author of vdr is using such a 
> card for connect a digital sat-receiver to his vdr.  So I'm not sure if the 
> really discontinued it.

It seems that while the Kfir manufacturer was right on board with
Linux at one time, they have backed down a bit and making it work is
more difficult.  Finding Kfir boards here in North America seemed
difficult the last time I looked.

> Hopefully. At the moment they want a law for enabling software-patents here in 
> europe too

I have heard.  Stand your ground!

> and too they will have a european DMCA.

That is for sure now?  I feel your pain.

> I really hate this 
> lobbyists.

Indeed.  Who lobbies for the consumer?

> There are laws making copying and sharing trough the internet 
> illegal. But they want us to not making privat copys.

Right.  This is the rub.  In efforts to curb illegal use, they are
also making common criminals of most law-abiding citizens.  This is
why the DMCA is so hideous.

> And enabling 
> softwarepatents is the best way to kill free software. whhaa thinkin about 
> all that gets me really angry. 

Me too.

> Ok but if you would have DVB you really would want vdr ;)

Maybe I would.  Seeing as I can't have DVB, I have not looked terribly
closely at it.

> A link you may be interested in :
> http://www.eet.com/sys/news/OEG20021213S0034

The key quote in the whole article:

  "Frankly, some of those additional requirements [demanded by
  Hollywood] have nothing to do with copy protection, but a lot to do
  with studios' own business models," Jaboulet said.

This is the whole reason for all of this so-called "copyright" BS.
How can we squeeze more money out of the consumer?

But this is going wildly OT for Cooker now.


Brian J. Murrell

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