On Sunday 15 December 2002 17:09, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 11:30:27AM +0100, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> > The DVB have a TV-Out and this TV-out is used for Output of vdr. If you
> > play back recordings they will look like fresh from sattelite, cause it
> > is the same mpeg es it was sent from sattelite.
> Indeed.  This discussion is now jogging my memory a bit about DVB.  I
> have never really delved that deeply into it once I found out that it
> was useless here in North America, sadly.

Isn't Dish dvb-compatible ? Hmm really don't know. Nut I think you are right. 

> > Not really. In fact only if you have a video-card that is capable to do
> > this.
> Right.
> > In fact you don't need a video-card at all, since the dvb-card is doing
> > all the work. There are machines out there with 4 dvb-cards and a
> > PII-300. The only thing you need is a lot of drive-space and maybe fast
> > hardrives.
> Right.  I am starting to drool.  :-)
> > The
> > drawback is, if you want play games/ play back divx it must be encoded in
> > realtime to mpeg to display it trough the dvb-card or u have to use a
> > graphic-card seperatly.
> Right.
> > I saw it. But for nvidia-cards have a look at nvtv. it does not rely on
> > the commercial driver, and for my purposes the tv-out isn't bad. This is
> > maybe because I had a look on the tv-out before buying the card. There
> > are very different models out there. From VERY bad TV-out till quite
> > well. Further the riva 128 , ati rage 128 and so on are known to work
> > well. The next thing is that it is nearly impossible t get a matrox
> > g200/g400 right now.
> Have you looked on e-bay?  Last time I looked there were boatloads of
> them for sale.  I was looking to get one to hook the Linux box in the
> bedroom up to the TV so I could watch stuff my PVR recorded there too.
> > They will
> > not be produced anymore and people who have them will not give it away ;)
> Well, no.  You do have to give them some money for them.  :-)

Not only some, a lot for that card, last time I looked. Anyway, ebay has much 
to high prices, at least on computer-hardware.

> > As stated above. a PII-300 should be enough.
> Right.  I really envy those that are in the DVB world.  You get the
> broadcast in it's original MPEG2 format, not re-encoded in any way,
> and you can play it on low horsepower machines.
Maybe an mpeg2encoderboard is the right thing for you ? They will nearly cost 
the same as an dvb-card. Have a look at linuxtv.org Or the WinTV PVR or some 
MotionJpeg Captureboards

> > On my duron 1,1Ghz playing a DVD
> > trough dvb-card eats around 3% of cpu and with more than one card I'am
> > able to record more then one stream the same time ( in my testings I
> > tried to record 3 streams on one card on the same transponder and have
> > had luck , it was possible)
> Cool!  I should move to Europe.  :-)  The whole media/copyright BS
> thing in North America is going down the toilet anyway.  North
> Americans are too uninformed about the laws that being passed over
> their heads, and don't really care anyway.  When it's too late they
> will care.

Yes the same here. The people mainly don't understand whats going on and what 
are the results and if they feel the results the start to worry. It looks 
like the politicians are only lobbyists, nothing more. They don't really 
care, what they do .

> > No need for it, if no divxplayback is needed. As stated above no
> > graphic-card at all is needed....
> Right.  If I were in that situation, I would just resolve to transcode
> divx to mpeg2, offline (i.e. not expect to do it in real-time) anyway.
Indeed realtime transcoding can be done. The DVB-cards can be feeded with 
mpeg1 to. On my machine I've 50-60 % CPU on realtime-transcoding divx => 

A pitty that  you can't use vdr ....


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