Steve Fox wrote:
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 12:32, Bryan Whitehead wrote:

In the real world, sysadmins just find a solution (like redoing the crap ass RPM someone made) and move on with life. If you don't like dependancy checking, then don't use urpmi. Use the plain rpm command. Write your own scripts as a wrapper. Or just patch urpmi yourself for your own needs. It's not rocket-science! ;)

Wow, what a well thought-out response! You're a freaking genius!

I NEED dependency checking. What I am asking for is the tool to only
worry about dependencies which are affected by the action being
Thanks for clarifying. The message I replied to originally implied you didn't like the dependacy checking / resolving features of urpmi.

There is no reason for urpmi to care about unrelated dependencies which
I made a conscious decision to break knowing very well the potential
Your right on this. I second the motion to keep urpmi from being some wannabe apt.

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry Systems and Technology
Phone: 818 354 2903

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