On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 22:38, Jason Komar wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 15:30, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 22:19, J. Greenlees wrote:
> > 
> > > Visa Canada doesn't offer the debit card services here. might be 
> > > Canadian Banking laws stop them.
> > > in the US Amex has a debit card, where you deposit money into special 
> > > Amex held account and use the card as a credit card, online only. ( it 
> > > functions as debit, but processes as credit card )
> > > 
> > > in canada, debit is only from the bank card not from a credit card company.
> > 
> > I should clarify - VISA and Switch just provide card processing services
> > to the banks. I say my card is a VISA card, but it's not an account run
> > by VISA, just as your credit card isn't actually run by VISA. The
> > account is held at a normal bank, who (I guess) pay VISA to provide the
> > card for them.
> Adam,
> Which bank do you use. That card sounds like something I am interested
> in checking out.
> Thanks,

Well, I'm in the UK, remember. It's a Smile bank account
(www.smile.co.uk), they only operate in the UK (they're the internet
branch of the Co-Operative Bank). Mine's a student account, so I get
pretty good terms.

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