Adam Williamson wrote:
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 15:32, Austin Acton wrote:

On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 09:02, Adam Williamson wrote:

Tiny point - you don't need a credit card. Lots of debit cards work OK.
My PayPal account uses my VISA debit card.
Funny you mention that. What we call 'debit cards' in Canada are
actually 'bank cards' or Interac. While originally intended for ATM
machines, they have really caught on in Ontario for in-store purchases. They offer this in most provinces I think, but in Ontario, purchasing
with a bank card is rampant - to the degree that many of my friends
don't carry cash at all, just a bank card. (madness)

at 1.50 to 3.00 for each purchase through interact? always knew living onthe east side of the rockies fried brains. ;-)
here if it says visa, or matercard or american express, it is a credit card not a debit card, unless you are referring to the fact that using it is going to put you into debt. :-)
That's how it's been in the UK for ages, and it's exactly what I do. For
one thing, if you don't carry any cash, it can never get stolen. Yes, I
went to Australia recently, and was rather caught off-balance by the
fact they have different cards for deposit and checking accounts, this
just doesn't happen in the UK :). You have a bank account with a debit
card that acts as an ATM withdrawal card, cheque guarantee card, and
which you can buy stuff with, plus a separate credit card. Handy.

Too bad there's no secure way to use Interac online.

Well, my card's provided by VISA - it works just like a  VISA credit
card for online stuff. The other big provider in the UK is Switch, and
many sites accept their cards too. I know you can get similar accounts
in the US, but I guess from what you say they aren't very popular.
Funny, I find my card a lifesaver :)

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