On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Maks Orlovich wrote:

> > kde, or when in gnome with kdm also. And so that when runing kdm I can
> > choose "New login" or whatever better fits for "fast user switching".
> BTW, the code for that is mostly in there (it was actually working for a
> while during KDE3.1 development) -- including a KMenu "New Session" entry;
> the same for the locked screen password dialog) but it was disabled since a
> good UI that doesn't confuse users didn't make i18n freeze, IIRC. You might
> be able to activate the feature by listing additional servers in Xservers
> file, but I am not certain.

Well, *that* is the kind of thing I think Mandrarakesoft should rather
work on, rather than stuffing KDM up even more.

There would be enough time to get a UI tested and translated for 9.1, but
only if no more time is spent on a forked kdm.


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