On Sun, 2 Mar 2003, N Smethurst wrote:

> Le Dimanche 2 Mars 2003 03:01, Leon Brooks a écrit :
> > The software is also very useful as a study framework for non-religious
> > material. Try it and see. I would specifically include it for that reason.
> Fine, this sounds like a good idea. Now all we have to do in order to ensure a
> non-biased nature is change the name of the software to reflect that it is
> not specifcally associated with the sword project,

It would be a bit difficult to include BibleTime and GnomeSword without
the library they depend on ... and the sword library would be required for
any text and any frontend.

> remove all references to
> specific interest groups, and remove all Christian material from the
> Gnomesword website

Last I checked, the packages did not include the Gnomesword website ;-).

> to reflect that it is a general text study tool and not
> something aimed at the study of religious material.

No one claimed the aim of the software was anything but to assist in
studying religious material. However, it is not the *only* use of the

One would expect the sword project to mainly provide religious modules,
but that does not prevent anyone else from providing additional modules.
Both frontends do make more provision for religious modules than anything
else, but that is probably partly attributable to the lack of other
non-religious modules.

But if you have issues with the software, please take it up with the
authors. We are only discussing whether or not it should be placed in
contrib or not, and I haven't seen any other software excluded due to the
content of their web page.

I am concerned that the help may be overly religiously inclined though (at
least in BibleTime).


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