On Wednesday 05 March 2003 9:30 am, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> N Smethurst wrote:
> > too. However, I guess this would be politically incorrect so it will
> > never happen, despite the fact that the users want drivers that work.
> So you should look elsewhere but nvidia (In fact I'm so pissed off at
> the constant crashes with nvidia binary driver that I'll stay far away
> from nvidia products, pity that it seems that ATI is following the same
> trend).

If it's always crashing for you you possibly did something wrong when installing.

> BTW: anyone has a suggestion for a good (and possibly cheap) graphic
> card, that run out of the box with open source (ie. peer reviewed)
> drivers and has enough horsepower to play tuxracer?
> Bye

His mind is like a steel trap: full of mice.
                -- Foghorn Leghorn

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