On 30/12/13 17:42, Oliver Clarke wrote:
And here is a more compact/elegant version courtesy of Paul that accomplishes a 
similar function in half the code - morphing with a radius decreasing from 12 
to 6 Å over an arbitrary number of cycles, using a map initially blurred with a 
B-factor of 100, decreasing incrementally to 0 (the original map) over the 
course of the procedure:

I did some experimenting and I have been won over to the idea of an initial RBR (into a blurred map), so adding that and fixing the typos, reso_morph becomes:

def reso_morph(imol, imol_map, n_rounds):


    sharpen(imol_map, 150)
    for ch_id in chain_ids(imol):
        if is_polymer_chain(imol, ch_id):
            rigid_body_refine_by_atom_selection(imol, '//'+ch_id)

    for round in range(n_rounds):
        f = float(round)/float(n_rounds)
        for ch_id in chain_ids(imol):
            if is_polymer_chain(imol, ch_id):

                # play with these numbers
                radius =   8 * (2 - f) - 3
                sf     = 120 * (1 - f)

                sharpen(imol_map, sf)
                morph_fit_chain(imol, ch_id, radius)

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