On 01/29/2015 08:34 AM, David Holmes wrote:
Wouldn't it be possible to make the method safe?

Finalizers are usually run against un-reachable objects. If the Shutdown
sequence made sure all threads are stopped except the thread executing

How do you propose to make sure all threads are "stopped"? That would potentially introduce more problems and strange new behaviours.

Yes, that would be a problem. Calling Thread.stop() for them would be dangerous. Even if all threads were captured in a special kind of safepoint except the shutdown thread, it would not be safe since finalizers could try to enter synchronized blocks that are held by the captured threads and a deadlock would occur.

 It seems there's no way out.

Regards, Peter


Shutdown sequence, then all objects would become effectively unreachable
(except being reachable from shutdown thread that can assume the role of
finalizer thread and run the finalizers...).


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