In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 03/12/03 
   at 10:03 AM, "MikeM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>On 3/12/03 at 2:23 PM Gregor Lawatscheck wrote:

>|Wouldn't it be great to have 
>|compatibility as a further advantage on the list of features? I think so.
> =============

>One of the reasons I use Courier is precisely because it tracks the
>standards well.  There is enough shoddy, mediocre, RFC-ignorant software
>around without intentionally adding more.  

>Asking for mediocrity under the thinly-veiled guise of "compatibility" 
>is specious at best.

Worse than 'mediocrity' and far worse than specious, IMNSHO.

If Micros**t cannot or will not read, can, will, and *has consistently*
intentionally broken standard after standard..

 - NOT for the sake of improvement, but solely for their own ends, 

..then, AFAIAC, anyone who kowtows to that sort of behaviour deserves the
'fisting' they have been getting and will continue to get...

If the strict adherence to standards is a PITA to you, may I suggest MS
IIS and MS Exchange.  PITA's need love too <G>

As to courier, please don't break a good product.

You can't satisfy MS-lusers *anyway*!

Bill Hacker

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